Thursday, April 18, 2024

When Gojira Travels, He Likes Only The Finest Accommodations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Author Note:  As long as the film title is mentioned, the star will be referred to as "Godzilla."  All other times, he will be called by his Japanese name, "Gojira."

                                  Gojira and Baby Gojira have been after me to write a post on "Godzilla Vs. Kong: The New Empire," which David and I went to see a week ago today.  The opening and closing shots are adorable, as Gojira likes to sleep in the Roman Coliseum, from which he is awakened from a slumber he would rather go back to, but has to help world peace, in dealing not only with Kong, a baby Kong, but a cameo by Mothra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      It is key that Gojira and Mothra do not appear in the same scene.  I am pretty sure Gojira made that clear when he signed his contract to do this film, which, crudely put, he must have done for the money to help the Sisters Of Mercy, and needy children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       "Godzilla Vs. Kong: The New Empire" is all over the place, with actors like Rebecca Hall spouting verbal nonsense as if the movie had to be explained to audiences, who only came to see the creatures in the Monsterverse , particularly Gojira.  Who, I feel, gets too little screen time over the ape and his mini clone.  The latter is supposed to be sweet and cute but has a mean streak that does away with his good qualities.  Or maybe he is just in adolescence!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            As for Mothra, she has not aged well, and where are the two girls?  Even Mothra seems bored with the whole thing and makes a hasty retreat back to Infant Island!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            And Gojira?  He knows when he has had had enough.  The money is worth it, but not for him to do extra!  So, he goes back to the Roman Coliseum.  That is, until another crisis for world peace will awaken him, necessitating him to step in and help.

                                             Gojira gives the film his all.  Including turning blue and pink during his atomic breathing, which I believe is a measure of his anger.  The colors, I mean.

                                                 But enough is enough, and when he returns to his favorite accommodation, we cheer him on mightily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Gojira, not only are you the best reason to see the movie, but you are also the only one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Just like Celia, in "Mother Play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



  1. you got That right, he needs an additional clause or two in his next contract!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Oh, Gojira will make sure, that is certain. The idea of Mothra sticking herself into his film. I cannot wait for Gojira's next film. But get rid of that annoying Kong!!!!!!!
