Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Did "Super Size Me" Actually Kill Morgan Spurlock????????????????????

                                      I had to wonder, darlings, when I heard he passed away, from cancer, on May 23.  The question I asked was did this experiment he documented twenty years ago catch up to him, resulting in a cancerous death?  I saw this film when it first came out, so it begs the question.

                                       Morgan Spurlock was a good-looking guy, and a promising filmmaker, on the threshold of being another Michael Moore.

                                        "Super Size Me' documented what his body went through during a 30-day ordeal of eating only food from McDonald's.  Just the thought of it makes me sick, and while he was doing it under a doctor's--who was in the film--supervision, the diet did a number on his body.  Blook pressure, cholesterol, sugar, all that went up.  He gained 30 pounds in a month.  What fascinated me was, while he was a trim, athletic guy, it took him nine months to lose those pounds.  So, what does that say about the rest of us, were we foolish enough to try this experiment?  Not me, dears.

                                            All that fast food garbage going in and out of his system. Not to mention the boredom of eating the same food each day, because McDonald's menu offers not that much variety.

                                             Now, I am not a health care or medical professional, but I cannot help wondering if this experiment, over time, lodged things in the body or bloodstream that could have resulted in cancer years later.

                                                Any med or health care professionals out there?  Could this have been possible?

                                                I suppose we will never see the ME report.

                                               "Super-Size Me" was Spurlock's greatest achievement.

                                                But it also could have been his fatal undoing.
                                 Rest In Peace, Morgan.  You had such promise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. oh no!! He died?? Of cancer???
    coincidence?? I don’t think so

  2. Victoria,
    Again, I am with you. I think consequences of what he did finally caught up with him.
