Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Girls, I Have The CUTEST Thing To Show You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          I have to say that, along with "The Deadly Manits," the movie poster for "Reptilicus" is one of the great monster movie posters of all time, and I would love to have both on one of the walls in this apartment.  But they share something else.

                                             Both posters are better than their respective films.  While 'Manits' has the edge, "Reptilicus" should be seen once, for the green glop it pours out of its mouth, and for the scenes where the creature is moving through the city (Copenhagen, Denmark!) on a wheeled dolly!  You have to see it; it is such a scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 I began to wonder if there was a Reptilicus doll.  And, darlings, there is!  Wait till you see it; it is so cute!

                                   Isn't he adorable?  And he even has a name plate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I would love to have one!  But I am afraid it might hurt Baby Gojira's feelings.  And I would never do that!

                                    But see, girls?  Even "Reptilicus" has his own doll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. oh Definitely a cutie!!
    my daughter in law is on a dragonboat team in Okinawa and they have a lil mascot like that!!!

  2. Victoria,
    I would love to see that mascot. What is dragon boating?
