Friday, May 17, 2024

How Many Lindsay Crays Are Still Out There????????????????

                                         Lindsay Cray was a character brilliantly portrayed by actress Carolyn Dodd, in the "Chicago, M.D." 2018 episode, "Down By Law."  Lindsay was an abused child from a white trash area of Michigan, whose father signed her off to marry a predatory Reverend (last name Cray) played by Jay O. Sanders in one of those despicable roles he does so well.  Even looking at photos of him I do not see a nice person, so I wonder how Sanders actually is.  But he is hateful here.

                                            He refuses to allow the girl to speak for herself, even though they are husband and wife.  He wants her to recover, so he can have Lindsay conceive again ASAP, for the supposed sake of his unnamed religious cult community, but, as much, I think, because this predatory hypocrite, as much as the conception, gets off on fucking a fourteen-year-old girl.  She may have been married when she was thirteen.

                                               Dr. Natalie Manning speaks up for her, but there is nothing to be done; the law must be respected.  She does tell Lindsay that being married she is "medically emancipated" and is legally entitled to have her body treated as she pleases.  Lindsay tells Dr. Halstead that she wants a hysterectomy, as, having led the life she has, she does not want to bring kids into the world, and I don't blame her.  I blame it on the Evangelical cult crap the Reverend in his hypocrisy has fed to her and his community.  

                                               Lindsay gets her wish.  As she is carried off to the Reverend's bellowing, the small smile on her face is so satisfying.

                                                I wish her story had been followed up on.  I always felt she would have been dismissed by the community, which would have been a blessing, and gone on to start a new life.

                                                  But, how many of these predatory religious hypocrites are still out there?  How many Lindsays are out there, and how can they be protected?

                                                   Roe v. Wade needs to come back, but better care must be given to children, like Lindsay, and others, who are abused!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Watch the segment on YouTube.  It will make you think, darlings!!!!!!!


  1. the Hypocrisy and manipulation is so damaging.
    any “religion” that gets that extreme is dangerous.
    We’ve seen it firsthand

  2. Victoria,
    I am horrified to hear you have seen this
    firsthand. I feel bad for the congregants,
    especially the children like Lindsay, and others.

    I recently found out that this episode was based
    on a true story.
