Thursday, May 23, 2024

Think Miss Gulch Was Bad??????????? Kristi Noem Goes Her One Further!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Shooting a 14-month-old dog?  What kind of cruelty is that?  And what is it these days with animal cruelty??????????????

                               Kristi has cooked her political career; now, if she would only get convicted.

                              Then we have Cleopatra Morgan, of Inwood, Manhattan, who threw her dog, a poodle puppy named Rocket, out the window.  Miraculously, or maybe because of his name, Rocket survived, someone called the police--this happened on May 16-- and now Rocket is being cared for, and many are vying to adopt him into a loving home!

                                As for Cleopatra Morgan, the 25-year-old bitch should be locked up.  Who the hell does she think she is?  Let me tell you something, girls, in the 1932 film classic "Freaks," the beautiful trapeze artist, Cleopatra, played by Olga Baclanova, turns on the freaks, and then they turn on her.  Her fate is not revealed till the very end, but I am telling you, girls, the same fate should befall Morgan.

                                Avoid Kristi at all costs!  As well as South Dakota!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. there is something seriously wrong with anyone who would victimize children, the elderly, the disabled, or animals.

  2. Victoria,
    I cannot agree with you more. And had I become a lawyer, as I once contemplated, these are the very people I would have gone after to prosecute.
