Friday, May 24, 2024

Today Is An Important One In Musical Theater History, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Fifty-eight years ago, tonight, girls, Angela Lansbury and Company opened in "MAME," at the Winter Garden.  The company included Beatrice Arthur, Jane Connell and Frankie Michaels, who went on to become the still youngest TONY Award winner in history for his role here, and who tragically died on March 30, 2016 at the age of 60, due to trying to hang on to a vanished career via drugs and alcohol.  He actually had to sell his TONY Award for $18K, so he could pay for his funeral.  But, as Victor Hugo said in "Les Misérables," "God knows where to look for a soul."

                           I only wish I could have been at this fabulous event, but then, I was having a bit of my own drama, myself, then, having undergone open heart surgery two weeks before.

                            So, today is always "MAME" day as far as I am concerned.  Let me show you what a fabulous opening it was.
                                  Here is the Overture from "MAME."  Along with "Candide" and "GYPSY," one of the best ever.
                                   And here are Jane Connell and Franke Michaels opening the show with "St. Bridget."

                                   Can we count any such perfection among us today??????????????????

                                    Sadly, no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     So, just enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. poor Frankie. Gone too soon.
    why do so many creative types succumb to drug & alcohol abuse.
    or does it just “seem” that way
    Thanks for for reminding us of these important anniversaries!!

  2. Victoria,
    You are welcome. Yes, it seems that way.
    I had a coworker once who moonlighted as a musician.
    He was pale and always wore long sleeves. Eventually
    he confessed to me he was mainlining heroin. I saw
    that he got help, and after one relapse I believe he
    is clean.
