Friday, May 3, 2024

Wouldn't It Be Great If This Were Marjorie Taylor Greene?????????????????????????????



                           Actually, as one gazes at her photo, she does resemble the creature above, doesn't she?

                          The figure above is the great Russian actress Olga Baclanova, at the conclusion of Tod Browning's 1932 masterwork, "Freaks," based on the short story "Spurs," by another Tod, Tod Robbins.

                            In the film Baclanova plays circus trapeze artist Cleopatra, one of the top attractions, with whom she shares billing with Hercules the strong man, played by Henry Victor.  The majority of the cast consists of actual freaks who turn out to be the most loving and sympathetic characters in the film, and whose actions I believe are justified.

                              When Cleopatra finds out that Hans, one of the circus midgets, is to come into a great deal of money, she plays up to him, as he has been infatuated with her from the start.  Of course, the plan is for her to dump him, and spend the money with Hercules, with whom she is having an affair.

                                  Tensions erupt during the wedding scene, where Cleopatra is so open about the affair with Hercules, she goes on to humiliate Hans, and then the circus freaks.  They do not forget.

                                   During a thunderstorm, a wagon turns over, and the freaks reveal their plan to go after Cleopatra and Hercules, to defend their friend, Hans.  You have to see the scene where Prince Randian, The Living Torso, crawls through the mud toward Hercules, knife in teeth!  They also go after Cleopatra who screams and vanishes into the forest.  "Freaks" is a flashback story, and in the return to the present it is revealed what Cleopatra has become.  The barker says something about "the code of the freaks," and he is right.  What is not shown, but should have been, was Hercules standing in his stage next to her, trilling like a soprano, as he has been castrated.  There supposedly was footage shot of the freaks chasing Hercules into the forest, where they did the deed.  How I wish this had been shown; he deserved it!   And if the footage is out there, I hope it turns up and gets restored.

                                      I first saw "Freaks" in a Horror Film class. When the lights went up, no one said a word, just walked out.  Everyone had been impacted by the film.

                                       Marjorie Taylor Greene deserves no more or less than Cleopatra and Hercules.

                                       To think she lives in Georgia, whose cottage industry is "Gone With The Wind."  I bet Greene has never read it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         But I do bet she keeps live slaves in her attic, like that notorious New Orleans-ian, Madame La Laurie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. doesn’t she remind you of that awful “doctor” who bombards us with disgusting ads for her female Personal Deodorant

  2. Victoria,
    You are right, and I hate those ads, too!
