Sunday, June 23, 2024

"Ain't It Awful, The Heat???????????????"

                             That is the opening number of the Kurt Weill/Langston Hughes musical/opera "Street Scene," which opened on January 9, 1947, at the Adelphi Theatre.  It was adapted from Elmer Rice's earlier play, which opened on January 10, 1929.

                             The heat is awful.  And we have had more than our share this week, darlings.  If this is a harbinger for the rest of the summer, then most of us will spend it indoors.

                             "Street Scene" was about a building of New Yorkers who had no access to anything--no air conditioners or window fans.  People in a building like the above could only keep their windows open, hoping for a breeze.  Those truly desperate would spend the night sleeping outdoors, in whatever park was nearby.  Of course, this was when it was still safe to do so.

                                 As for the upper crust, my guess is they slept blanket-less on the finest sheets, in their silken underwear.  They wouldn't dare mix with the lower classes, even in the park,

                                  Thank God for air conditioners, darlings.  It helps stave off heatstroke, dehydration, nausea (which this heat makes me) and any ills heat of this nature the heat can bring on.

                                   "Cat On A Hot Tin Roof?"  Damn, darlings, like Maggie, I would have jumped off the roof!

                                    Stay cool, you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Thanks for the reminder that we have much to be thankful for!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Indeed we do. And at this trying time, with David, I keep telling myself that each day.
