Thursday, June 6, 2024

Happy Pride Month, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                     Can you believe it?  Here we are--out and proud!

                                     Gay Pride means channeling your inner Gay spirit.  I have two--Donna McKechnie and Shelley Plimpton.  But for Gay Pride in general nothing says it better than....Rollerena!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Now, let me tell you some things about Rollerena. No one is sure if he/she is still alive.  He was said to be a Viet Nam vet who works on Wall Street by day and skates and acts as the gay community's fairy godmother by night.  He could still be alive, or he could still be gone.  But......

                                           I have this friend named Harvey.  You thought I was going to say "Elsie," didn't you?  Well, that's for another post.  Harvey could have been a Viet Nam vet, and some have labeled him the "corporate type."   But he really is not.  However, having known him for 30 years, I am convinced Harvey is secretly Rollerena.  He is very circumspect and private during the day, but at night I am certain he gets on those skates and goes wild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            So, I dedicate this Pride Month to Rollerena, whether she be Harvey or not.  But I still stand by my idea.

                                              I would like to say it would have been great had Rollerena been in "Starlight Express."  But not even she could not enliven that piece of junk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Happy Pride Month, girls, and whomever your inner Gay spirit be, let it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Let's go wild, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. I have my rainbow decor everywhere!!
    everyone seems sad around here and I intend to liven things up a bit

  2. Victoria,
    We have a rainbow on our front door. And come time, we will dress Baby Gojira in his Pride outfit.
