Friday, June 7, 2024

Have You Heard About Queer Tarot???????????????????????

                            I just found out about this last week. Tarot has been around for centuries, and the Rider deck is definitive, so how does one work a gay agenda into centuries of tradition?????????????

                            Well, two enterprising and creative people named Ashley Malesso and Chess Needham have created a deck and a guidebook that explains it.  I do not know enough about traditional Tarot, so I don't think I could begin to fathom this.  But I would love to hear from real and knowledgeable Tarot readers about this, and how successful do you think this could be?

                               I will admit the deck looks beautiful.

                            I wouldn't even know where to look for such a thing, though I guess it could be bought online.

                             I mean, what can't be bought online.  I bet someone sold Hugh Jackman's undies after two a day performance in "The Music Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                              Personally, I would prefer the dress Dorothy Collins wore in "FOLLIES>"


  1. Victoria,
    I love the artwork too. It is in keeping with the Tarot tradition.
    But how does a gay agenda fit into it? That's what I want to know.
