Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Is This Crap Actually Going To Be Revived??????????????????????????

                            When I saw "Starlight Express," back in 1987, at the Gershwin Theatre, I thought it one of my worst theater experiences.  I can still count it among them.  

                               To quote the great Dorothy Parker, "What fresh hell is this?"  Not only is this show going to be revived, but it also has.  Opening at The Troubladour Theatre in London, near Wembley Park on June 8, with a cast of 40, the show promises roller skating all around the theater, and above the audience, plus a special area where audiences who don't want to partake of the experience can sit.

                                One of the reasons I hated it when I saw it was that the immersive experience promised by the British production did not happen here.  Audiences in the Gershwin sat in regular seats, while a globular glass cage was in front of them, on the stage, as performers skated in and around there.  Big deal!!!!!!!!!!!  It was the same as TV's "Roller Derby."  I felt gypped, and still do.

                                 So, I hope there are no plans to bring this tripe over here.  The trend is now on to revive Andrew Lloyd Webber's worst musicals--a scaled down "Sunset Boulevard," with no sense of time or period is due to arrive next season, so heaven only knows what will be coming next.

                                  Please, "Starlight Express," do us a favor and stay away from our shores this time.

                                  Besides, how will anyone be able to afford it????????????????



  1. wow, just WHY???
    Family Guy did a short parody of that show.
    Short but SCATHING

  2. Victoria,
    I must ask David about it, because it was such a miserable theater expeeriene.
