Sunday, June 23, 2024

OK, Girls, With Gender Fluidity, I Think The Time Is Right! How About An All-Male "FOLLIES????????????????????"

                             The way I figure it, darlings, the men who play the female roles would dress accordingly, while the husbands would dress accordingly as well.  It would not be a total gender reversal.

                             Come on, you Theater Queens, especially those of a certain age, you know you have had this fantasy for years, you have even sung, danced and acted it out to the original cast album, or learned the choreography for "Who's That Woman?" on YouTube.

                              I can attest I have done all of the above!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

                             I have my eyes on three roles.  The first is Sally, because my color is pink, and I know I can nail her songs. But I would not turn down the role of Stella Deems, because then I get to lead on "Who's That Woman?"  Nor would I overlook Hattie Walker, as I can really belt out "Broadway Baby!"

                          It was only a matter of time, darlings, before it would have to be considered.  And Theater Queens would flock to this production, not just to hear the score, but to hear a bunch of male voices finally singing it.

                         How about it, girls?  An all-male version of "FOLLIES???????????"

                        "Hit it, baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


  1. I was about to say SALLY for you!!!
    You’d own the other two roles as well!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Thank you for saying that. Yes, I have always related to Sally.
    And Dorothy Collins and I were both born on November 18!!!!!!!!!!
