Thursday, June 6, 2024

See? The Golden Age Of Comics Was Even Better Than The Silver Age!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I would trade today's artistic crap for this, any day.  Just look at the use of color and detail.  Nothing like this exists today, and if the makers of today's overly priced comics--now marketed as graphic novels--hah! --think they are fooling those of us who know better, they are not.

                                  If I really wanted to pursue this, I would attend Comicon conventions, and try to pick up some issues representative of these eras, especially issues I might recognize.  But how much would it cost me?

                                  It is all about color and costume, darlings.  And today's comic artists just do not get it.

                                And look!  Wonder Woman here is wearing a skirt, not that girdle thing she wears in the Silver Age. And God knows how she looks now!  Probably like a tramp, as today's artists want to sexualize everyone in comicdom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Face it, dolls!  Some things in olden days were better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. what would Lynda Carter say?!!!

  2. Victoria,
    I wonder. Lynda did her best, but the series failed to replicate the period of these earlier artistic comics.
