Friday, June 14, 2024

There Are Dolls For Just About Everything! So Why Is There No "Moonstruck" Doll??????????????????????????

                                    Would you believe there is an Alex Forrest doll from "Fatal Attraction??????????" Yes, darlings, I am not kidding.  So, why cannot there be a "Moonstruck" doll?

                                       I would rather own a Loretta Castroini doll than Alex.  Certainly, more joyous and cheerful; you know what I mean?

                                        Just looking at the poster makes me feel good.  I always wanted it on my wall.

                                        Maybe I have not hunted hard enough.  Somewhere out there, there has got to be a "Moonstruck" doll.

                                      And stop playing that Vicki Carr record!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. one of the museums the kids took me to, the gift shop had a huge variety of obscure Character Dolls.
    Overpriced of course!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    What characters did they have? That museum sounds interesting.
