Friday, June 7, 2024

Today Is National Donut Day, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Now, girls, I know, I know.  I know what the doctors say--"A donut is a bullet to the heart."  As someone who has been under cardiological care since I popped out from the womb, I can vouch I take as best care of myself, with David's help, of course.

                                            So, I really don't think having one donut a year is going to upset anything.  It is when some start bringing boxes and boxes home that the trouble starts.

                                             Go out today, dears, and bite into a donut.  I am sticking with an old fashioned, but if you want glazed or chocolate, go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Remember, it is only one day a year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I did not have a donut that day!!
    I DID have a few fries & onion rings tho!!!
    a rare treat

  2. Victoria,
    I can't recall the last time I had fries and onion rings. The latter do not agree with me.
    And in April I had my yearly black and white milkshake. Last night I ate and Old Faashioned donut, which Davvid bought for me!
