Sunday, July 21, 2024

Darlings, There's No Place Like Oz, But Who Knew Some Of It Was In Kansas?????????????????????????????

                              The above pic came to me from one of my regular readers, the fabulous Victoria.  Not till I saw this did I realize that Kansas has two Oz Museums.

                                 The first, which is in Liberal Kansas, and was mentioned in Geoff Ryman's 1992 novel, "WAS," I always thought was the one and only, the definitive.  But this one happens to be in Wamego, Kansas, and after looking at the website, I want to go to both museums!  I wonder of both of them show the movie every day.  I think that would be highly appropriate.

                                    Whichever does, I will stay to see the movie, and more than once!  But I would not pass over the chance to visit both museums.  I mean, they are about Oz.

                                       Imagine, going all the way to Kansas, just to go to Oz.

                                      I wonder what Judy Garland would think???????????????????


  1. Thanks for the shout-out!!
    If I ever find myself in Kansas again, I’ll plan a visit to Both!!
    In my Ruby Slippers of course!!

  2. Victoria,
    With the ruby slippers all you have to do is tap your heels three times.
    Many claim the line is "click," but on my last viewing of the film I listened carefully, and Billie Burke does say "tap."
    I am ready to go with you!
