Thursday, July 25, 2024

This Stone Cold Bitch Should Be In Jail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Many readers, over time, have asked me to revive my "Bitch Of The Week" column, and I have no objections, but, having written so many columns, I stopped, first due to Covid, and now to the fact that no one is cold enough to catch my eye.

                             But then there is Jaclyn Edison.

                              She moved to Texas from--are you ready? --New Jersey, and probably some White Trash tract development. And to be surnamed after the town next door to mine.  What a disgrace!  Once in Texas, she fell for Nicolas Shaughnessy--or did she?  Because his parents, Ted and Cory Shaughnessy, owned a well-run jewelry store in Austin, and were doing quite well.  Against the wishes of the parents, Nicolas and Jaclyn were secretly married, and it was all Jaclyn's idea.  Just like it was Jaclyn's idea to kill Nicolas' parents the night of March 2, 2018. And Nicolas had financial problems, besides.  But things went awry, and only Ted was killed.  Cory survived, an investigation was done, and the end result was Nicolas Shaughnessy--a real rat bastard of a son, and a wimp, besides, to take orders from such a bitch--was convicted.  But even though accomplices Johnny Leon and Aerian Smith--who pulled the trigger--were convicted, Jaclyn, who masterminded the whole thing--got 120 days in jail.  That is it!  Can you believe it?  While the other three got 35 years!  Which is what Jaclyn should have got.

                                  Now, this bitch walks the streets free.  You can bet she lives in some trash section of the South, because trash flocks to trash.  Girls, if you see her walking down the street, passing you, smack her across the face!  Step right up and puke, when you see her!

                                   She is probably in Florida, sitting at the hideout bar table with Alice Crimmins and Casey Anthony!  Will there be a fourth?  I am sure, but I cannot guess when.

                                      I had Jaclyn's number from the moment I saw her.  Stone cold bitch!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Hope this satisfies all my former BOTW readers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!