Thursday, August 15, 2024

Happy Feast Of The Assumption!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   This is one of Mary's biggest days, girls; the day she was taken, body and soul, to Heaven.  Just like Jesus in the Ascension.  They are the only two to have been granted this honor.  But what about Bernadette?  Or Jennifer Jones?  Or Jacinta?

                                    But this is Mary's day, the middle of the month, and the 36th Anniversary of the death of a friend from the past, Elliot Steifel.  I wrote about him, last year.

                                       Celebrate the greatness of Mary.  As Paul McCartney said, "When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me."  Heed her words, darlings.

                                         I pray to Mary every chance I get.  And she is always invited to watch "Svengoolie" with us.

                                          Happy Assumption, Mary!!!!!!!!!!!!!   You deserve it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. If only this broken world would turn to Mary...

  2. Victoria, I agree with you. Mary is there to help. She deserves more notice.
