Friday, August 30, 2024

If Only Comic Art Were Like This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Look at this gorgeous cover, darlings!  The color, the backgrounds, the costumes. This was the Silver Age Of Comics which I grew up with, and, of course, thought would remain forever.  I had no idea comics would become so vulgar and highly sexualized.

                                           I don't know why Cosmic Boy's costume on this cover is not pink.  Maybe it was to give him a sense of shading.  Or maybe it was to butch him up, so he would not feel gay, like Element Lad, whose costume was even pinker.  When DC chose a legionnaire to be gay, it was Element Lad, which did not surprise me.  He was, perhaps, the inevitable choice.

                                             Now, these comics go for a fortune.  How I wish I had kept my comics collection.

                                               It was a time when art was art!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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