Sunday, September 1, 2024

May You September Be As Pink And Colorful As This, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Can you believe, girls, that we are in the "ber" months?  That is right, the last third of the year, when things begin winding down.  I have a feeling that since we had a relatively mild August that September will be a sizzler.

                          And I am making a promise, and will do my best to keep it, that this year, on September 12, I will stand in front of the Waverly, and sing "Frank Mills."

                              Of course, the day before that is a day of mourning for America, when the World Trade Center twin towers were destroyed.  As well as a city's confidence.  Who could have foreseen this?  Or Covid?

                            I hope September means better health for all out there, but for some of us here.  I hope it allows for lots of reading time, so I can reach my 100-book goal.  We return to St. Andrew on Saturday, and I hope things are fine there.  And that I can work with the musical director.

                            September means more than the schoolhouse.  So, whatever it means for you, darlings, I wish you the best.

                               And it is only 30 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I don’t know if I’m ready for the ups n downs of the ber months!!
    Physically OR mentally!!!
    What techniques does your therapist suggest, for redirecting negative thoughts??

  2. Victoria, He says to focus and get busy on something else. Like what I am doing right now. Some days, it works. But there are days when it doesn't.
    I both look forward to and fear the ber months. But one of them is my
    birth month, so that helps!
