Thursday, September 19, 2024

Now, This Is Sensible Casting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Girls, you are hearing it here, first!  Danny Burstein is going to be Herbie to Audra Mc Donald's Rose in the forthcoming revival of "GYPSY!"  I am ashamed I did not think of this, because Burstein is just perfect for the role!

                              Unfortunately, the show does not rest on his shoulders.

                              It rests on Audra's, and I hope to God she is doing voice work, because if she thinks she can just march in there and wing it as Rose, as Bernadette Peters did, back in 2003, which was a disaster, then she is sadly mistaken.   It might be career suicide.  I know because I saw Peters.  By the time Bernadette got to "Rose's Turn" I worried her vocal cords might give out.

                               Same with Audra, who is not a belter, so I hope she is doing something about this.  The show has one of the greatest scores, but with an ineffectual Rose, it falls flat, no matter how good the supporting players are. And if they are going for Burstein as Herbie, I am sure the rest of the cast will be stellar, in its own way.

                              Alas, I am not so sure about Audra.  But I hope I am proven wrong.  I was about Tyne Daly.  This "GYPSY" begins previews November 21, with a December 19 opening night. That is the very same evening, and theater, that the original production of "The Music Man" opened, back in 1957.  So, maybe this will bring it good luck.  It will need it.

                               But I am not worried about Burstein!  

                               Welcome to the show, Danny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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