Sunday, September 8, 2024

What Was Needed Last Night Was A Good Dose Of Jennifer Jones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Really, darlings, I am not kidding.  A dose of Jennifer Jones, or even Gladys Cooper, was desperately needed last night at the return of the Saturday 5PM mass at St. Andrew The Apostle.

                              You see, girls, this church is on summer hiatus, from post Memorial Day to post Labor Day.  Last night was the first mass of the Fall season, and it should have been a warm and welcoming reunion.

                                  Instead, it was like actors in a long running show walking through the performance.  There was no jubilation, no enthusiastic welcoming of the congregation--just perfunctory greetings.  Worst of all, there was no singing or no music, not even a cappella. 

                                  Under the direction of former music director Anthony Aiella , I have sung in several programs, usually around Christmas or Easter.  As long as my voice holds out, which is pretty much a given, I could sing some hymns a cappella, as long as I know the selections.  I know it may be difficult to find a musical director, but come on, folks, you had the whole summer to prepare for what should have been a momentous event, and I came out of church not feeling uplifted.

                                     Get your act together, St. Andrew!  I would do the direction, but I can't read music that well or hit a keyboard.  I can sing, and if that is needed, I would be glad to offer my services.

                                       But to serve congregants a cold, unyielding service does them a disservice.

                                        I chose to do to this church because I thought it was more forward thinking.

                                        Maybe some fresh ideas are needed.



  1. hmm that is perplexing.
    One of my favorite things about my little church, is all the uplifting Music!!!

  2. Victoria, Mine, too. I cannot understand why they cannot get their act together.
