Thursday, October 3, 2024

Yes, Girls, I Made It Through Another Visit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           You know, I hate the dentist, darlings, though I take as good care of my teeth as possible.  But there is the discomfort, and then the bill--which causes more discomfort!

                                             And I have to go back on Monday, because I have--oh, my God-a small cavity!  I can't tell you the last time I had one, darlings, and my very first one did not appear until I was 35 years old!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So, now I have this to look forward to.  And premedication.

                                              On a more spiritual level, dolls, did you know that yesterday was the Feast Of The Guardian Angels?  In Roman Catholicism, it is believed that each child born is assigned a Guardian Angel to watch over that child during life on Earth.  I really have to thank and pity mine, who has had to do so much watching, and seen things those in the angelic realms never expected to see.  I am sure when this angel was assigned to me, he/she said, "This kid will be a tough one to watch over."  But I guess the angel is still with me, as I have gotten myself, with the help of God and the angel, out of some precarious situations, especially in my youth.

                                                 All in all, it turned out to be a very good day.

                                                Tend to your teeth, darlings.  Even with insurance, dentistry is not cheap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  And watch it with that candy, at month's end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



1 comment:

  1. funny to think about your guardian angel wishing for an easier assignment!!
