Sunday, December 1, 2024

Something Different For Christmas, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Each December, I come up with a Christmas theme to put on here, and I had trouble coming up with one this year.  Until a bright idea popped into my head--how about things associated with Christmas, but which most do not think of?  And there I had it!

                                            Most people this season reach for Dickens' "A Christmas Carol," when it comes to seasonal reading.  But I offer "Great Expectations" as a more suitable alternative.  It starts out on Christmas Day and foreshadows all the action to come.  It is one of the best Victorian novels written, one of my Dickens favorites, and a story that just does not quit, until it does.

                                                   I can think of no better holiday read this year.

                                                   For those who have passed Clarence Clement Moore.