Sunday, April 15, 2007

Girls, I Am Telling You....

.....what a weekend it has been! Friday evening started out with a visit to the TKTS booth where Vincent and I got tkts for "Grey Gardens," preceded by a fabulous meal at that theatrical mecca the Edison Coffee Shop, known to theaterfolk and Neil Simon lovers as the Polish Tearoom! We both had their signature matzoh ball soup--great on a cold night--followed by their tuna salad on toast with a diet coke--the perfect meal for two old maids!!!!
And speaking of old maids, how about "Grey Gardens." Well, the Misses Ebersole and Wilson transcend the material they are given, which starts out with a totally unecessary first act that is pure and contrived ersatz Noel Coward. I mean, who gives a shit about Jackie and Lee as little girls? Then we get into a real show with real performances in Act Two, with a few lovely numbers and two breathtaking theatrical portrayals. But, girls, I say if you want to see "Grey Gardens," second act it, because that is the real show, not what comes before. It is like the reverse of "Sunday In The Park With George," where they should have stopped at Act One; both musicals only offer HALF a show. So instead of paying half price, Vincent and I should have paid quarter price!!!!!!

The next day I was thinking of my friend Tom, my cherub, and how he said the show reminded him of his mother! Just then the phone rang, and it was Tom, no less, who was off to an excursion to our South Jersey friends Bill and Steven (you vicious queen!!!!) and would I care to join him. Off we went on a magical excursion through nostalgic ridden suburban Jersey, to a street straight out of "Leave It To Beaver." The house, girls, was FABULOUS!!! I could not get over the yellow bathroom curtains!!!!! We had dinner at Paulie and Anna Rose, the most charming country estate made into a restaurant I have sat in for ages. Our waitress, Diana, with her Dolce and Gabana perfume, knew the score when it came to us and we not only got delicious appetizers--fried calamari plus sausage and peppers in cheese with broccoli rabe, meals to die for and desert a coffee---we got a free after dinner drink! Yes, sir, the Golden Girls were riding high and I was Rue McClanahan!!! By the time I got back to the city you can bet I slept good last night!!

But now girls I must be off to my engagements on Sunday, after straightening up the house, paying bills, doing my Jennifer Jones beauty regimen--all the things us girls have to do to get us through the day!

Kisses, my sweets!!!!!!

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