Friday, April 13, 2007

Almost Through, Girls

Well, Darlings, it has been quite a day and looks like quite a night. I am headed down to the TKTS booth to try and see something--hopefully "Grey Gardens," though who knows how things will turn out. Accompanied by my friend Vincent, who is very sweet; I help him while crossing the street. As for the day it was sand through the hourglass, with the voice of MacDonald Carey playing in my head. Let's hope the weekend bears promise, because girls, I am telling you I have got to get a husband!!!!! I want to be a Desperate Housewife!!! I want to be one of The Ladies Who Lunch. In the meantime I have to cope with daily hassles like subway selfishness of socail trash that I am forced to ride the train with; but in Queens what else can you expect? It's not like higher echelon types dwell there.
But maybe this weekend the fiction will start appearing, which will give you something to read beside my raving. Meanwhile time to get going. I love you, my darlings!

Take care of yourselves, my pets!

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