Friday, April 13, 2007

Happy Friday The 13th

"Kill her, Mommy, kill her. Don't let her live."
I won't, Jason; I won't."
Get her, Mommy, get her. She can't hide. NO place to hide.
Kill her, Mommy, KILL her, KILL HER!!!!!!!!!!!"
---Betsy Palmer as Mrs. Voorhees in "Friday The 13th" (1980)

Good Morning, Darlings!
How are all my girls this morning? Let's face it, isn't this better than coffee with Katie? Now Katie may have been America's Sweetheart, but, angels, let's face it I am America's bitch, and this is what America needs!!!! But I am a lovable bitch. After all the milk of human kindness flows in my veins. And if it is one thing I have it is a maternal heart. Room enough in it for all God's creatures!!!!
I am telling you, girls, what a night I had last night!!! Do you know what it is like being one of the sole members of your book group with any sense of literary distinction and taste? Last night I had to wonder how many brains there were in the room, for all that they liked "The Passion" by Jeanette Winterson!!!!! Are we yet ready for Barbara Cartland, sweeties??????
And to switch the subject for a moment, girls, what about Jake and Reese???
I mean, he could have anyone he wants; he could do so much better than thanwhite trash divorcee!!!!! How about me, for starters???? I hear Jake is a real family man, wants someone to take care of and take care of him. I just want to say Jake, honey, look no farther than here.
But then as Sylvia Barrett says it is FTG (Friday, Thank God) which means I must bid all a fond adieu and return to teh enslavement of my livelihood!!!!!

Hugs and kisses girls!!!!!

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