Thursday, January 24, 2008

Girls, How Is One Supposed To Entertain Without A Full Staff!!!!

I mean, darlings, come on!

Last night I was forced to entertain my vastly intellectual book group singlehandedly. Girls, it shouldn't happen to us. This kind of entertaining went out with the dark ages of Ozzie and Harriet? Do you think Janice and Annette entertain without a staff? How about the Bouviers???
Even Patty and Selma!!!!!

Girls, at least the evening was a success. But I needed an attractive male something in a tux to answer the door, another to serve in the kitchen dressed as a French maid--in this case wearing a jock strap-- another to take my phone calls and maintain my appointments, and another to see to my window treatments and seasonally change the shower curtains. Is this too much to ask?

But darlings the discussion flew! Everything from Miss Havisham to politics!!!!! And don't forget the clean up crew afterward, all of whom are attractive men who look like the cast of Harold Craig's 2001 classic "Pumped Up." If my curtains aren't cleaned when I order them someone is going to get more than pumped!

Don't we just love being a bitch, girls! Now THAT is what' fun! The milk of human kindness flows in my veins! See you later, girls!

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