Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Girls, Those Fingernails!!!!!!!


Alas with a new year comes also a slew of deaths and we have had our first major death of the year--and it is a sad one: none other than Malia Nurmi, known to a generation of us as "Vampira!" She died of natural causes at 86 but the sadness of her passing is the elimination of another key memory of the baby boomer generation. Girls, I can't tell you how I thrilled to her appearances in "Plan 9 From Outer Space" (featuring Dudley Manlove!!!!!) on "Chiller Theater on Saturday nights, where I saw such iconic classics as "Daughter of Dr. Jekyll" and "She Demons." As for Vampria, how I wanted to look like her! I mean, that waistline!!! And those fingernails!!!! I still want those fingernails!!!!!

Vampira and Brad Renfro--the River Phoenix death of his generation--have already embedded themselves in 2008's history as its first prime death. Now girls let us all embed ourselves in facial cream and get ourselves beautiful--use those gift certificates at Georgette Klinger--because spring is coming and darlings we have to be ready with our Easter Bonnets and then our bathing suits by the Beautiful Sea!!! This bathing beauty is always ready to be saved by a hunky lifeguard and whisked off to Great Neck!!!!!

Oh do it to me big boy!!!!!!!

Love you all, Girls!!!

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