Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year, Darlings

Girls, I simply couldn't write yesterday, what with gadding about seeing films and drinking Bloody Marys not to mention sleeping off those from earlier the night before. Yes it is 2008 and girls we are looking forward to fun, fashions and books. We are also looking ahead to a husband and a Tudor house in Great Neck. Girls, this girl wants to fly from the land of carbon paper to the land of flowered chintz, because let me tell you twelve days away from the workplace makes me reluctant to deal with all the bullshit I will have to when I get back. I don't mean the work itself--I mean people who are so frustrated they see themselves as managers of capability that they are NOT and blame everyone and everything else around them on it instead of themselves!!! Girls, this bitch has had it with these bitches and 2008 may just be the year where I tell these losers what they need to hear!!!

But time marches on; hell we made it through one day already so we just keep marching to the
other 300 plus more. So let us welcome 2008 and overcome those obstacles we will have to deal with. Who knows, they may disappear on us and isn't that a nice thought!!!

Cheers, Girls!!!!

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