Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Girls, "Valley Of The Dolls" Goes Great With Coffee!!!!!

Girls, on Sunday mornings there is nothing better than curling up on my luxurious divan in my pink peigenoir watching the screen classic "Valley Of The Dolls." I am telling you, darlings, I AM Neely!!!! Not since Sergei Eissenstein pioneered the Odessa steps sequence in "Potemkin" has the art of montage been used so faitfully. Start with Neely's Rise To Star Montage, from her alarm getting off, to a "Star Is Born" type trio number that even Judy Garland might have thought a litltle stagy, to marriage. Not to mention Barbara Parkins head turns and twists as the Gillian Girl. What more could one ask for on a Sunday morning. And when Patty Duke finally crashes in the gutter, we all want to cry out NEEEEEEEEEELY O'HAAAAAAAAAARAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and let me tell you, girls, our Sunday morning is complete. Who the hell needs Charles Kurault, anyway?

Girls, Jackie (Sussann) told our lives the way they are! This film is my autobiography! And without coffee it is incomplete. Hell, take a doll with the coffee and blast off!!!!
Get high, girls!!!!!!!

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