Monday, April 21, 2008

Girls, Teach Your Daughters To Call Their Men "Big Boy!!!"

Girls, from the time I was knee high I found the surest two words guaranteed to get a man to give me what I want were--"Big Boy." So successful is this phrase that a burger chain is named after it.

Just try it out--"Oh, big boy!" "Buy me that at the store, big boy!" "Give it to me all you got, big boy!" Soon you will have everything your heart desires.

"Buy me that house in Great Neck, big boy!"
"Buy me that Van Cleef and Arpels garnet, big boy!"
"I need a new Prada purse, big boy!"

See how much power you can exert over your man with these two words. And think of the results--you will get EVERYTHING you want!

So remember when raising your daughters, girls--the first words out of her mouth should be "Big Boy." Then she will be set for life.

Just like me, girls!!!!!!

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