Monday, April 21, 2008

Girls, Why Can't You Experience The Radiant Incandescence of "Juno?"

What is wrong with you girls? "Juno" is the freshest most enlightening film in years and Miss Ellen Page is a true star who is sure to be in the pantheon with Meryl. She's young? So what!
She's smart; damn right, she is intellectually brilliant and she is not afraid to play characters who have such, dark or otherwise. If one cannot experience the radiance of "Juno" and Ellen Page, perhaps you aren't ready for building blocks.

Darlings, we all want to be like Ellen Page, a role model for the intelligensia. We want to look like her, dress like her, wear our hair like her. Girls, she is the model young womanhood sorely needs. Forget Brtiney, forget Paris Hilton this is the Page Age and Ellen is the most stunning bearer of this surname since the late great Geraldine Page, whose career hers will be on a par with darlings!!!!!!

Wise up, girls! Do you want to end up an uneducated beautician slut? Because that 's what you will do if you do not heed the brilliance of Miss Page.

Love to all my girls!!!!!

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