Friday, August 7, 2009

Girls. Hope I Surprise Myself!!!!!

The reason I need a MAN, darlings, is not just for rough, masculine sex. I need a man who is more adept mechanically than moi, which would include just about everyone out there. My idea of being Butch is to fix a door knob. So I was quite surprised when I rerecorded my phone message, called, and it worked. Let us hope that continues, it could be an omen to my future dream of being Amy Adams/Julie Powell.

Let's talk about issues, darling, which I was with someone elsewhere. The other night at my twelve step meeting this gay qualifier went on about how fortunate he was to be able to pass for straight. I mean, PUH-LEEEEEEEEEEEEZE!!!!!!!!!!! What about those of us who were not so fortuante? How do you think we feel? Why do you think we camp it up with "girls," and "darling" and the like; it is our way of saying fuck you to the straight world and these closeted Bozos. Honey, if you can't stand the heat, stay in the closet! I didn't see what passing for straight did for this guy, but honey, I can tell you NOT passing has made me the brilliant, creative, FABULOUS person that I AM, girls! At least I would know what to say to Amy Adams--if I met her--we could talk about hair and movies and designers! These Bozos have NO
CLUE! So go back to the Hardy Boys, guys! Or better yet, read The Hardly Boys!!!!!!!

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