Saturday, August 8, 2009

Girls, I SAW IT, And Let Me Tell You..... was FABULOUS! I am, of course, talking about the film "Julie and Julia", which, in spite of my culinary failings of late, and despite it being a Friday workday afternoon, was PACKED for the 4PM screening, I manged to get to looking my most Amy Adamish!!!!

I mean, my mind nearly EXPLODED!!!!! Those gorgeous art direction shots of Paris, the dresses, the SO RIGHT lighting and atmosphere of shabby Queens. And then there is MERYL and AMY and close-ups not only of THEM but all this DELICIOUS FOOD!!!!!! Sweeties, it is almost TOO MUCH!!!!!

But I will see it again and Again and AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, MERYL goes beyond even MERYL!!!!! She surprised even ME with a performance that is so touching and engaging, and remarkably NEVER veers over into parody. Darling, I am tellling you, you will not mess with MERYL at the kitchen range!!!!!!

Nor with AMY, who is so radiant and CAPTIVATING, just like we all want to be, girls!
I swear, I just wanted to cuddle her, and hell, honey, I"m not even straight! I LOVED her black panties, though, of course, I would have liked to have seen them on Chris Messina, who plays her husband that AMY comes home to, which is something I sure as hell do not come home to!!!!
But, darlings, those scenes of AMY in her cubicle, arguing on the phone with idiots, trudiging home on the #7 train in the dark to Queens, where no one has even heard of Meryl Streep, Julia Child, or Amy Adams, and crashing on the couch--DARLINGS, THIS IS MY LIFE!!!!!!! Yes, girls, as fabulous as I may be this is what it is really like!

And to think Nora Ephron, whose junk I cannot stomach, directed this! Honey, I think MERYL and AMY just said, "Step aside, Norm, and WE will take over!" and took it from there.
It certainly seems that way.

Girls, MERYL and AMY have done more for me about getting into the kitchen than anyone. This could be my last chance to find a husband. Hell, I have tried everything else, I might as well cook!

So, thank you, "Julie and Julia". You and MERYL and AMY and Julie Powell have been a source of inspiration!!!!!!!

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