Friday, August 28, 2009

Girls, It Is Back To Fashion Tips And Hair!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, this weekend the film to see is "The September Issue," a documentary profiling fashion high priestess Anna Wintour. Now there are days where I am such a bitch some people think I AM Anna, so it would be interesting to put the two of us in one room. But I have recovered from my attack yesterday and after I get David safely home I am going to spend this weekend cooking like Amy Adams. I have GOT to attempt the chocolate cream pie if I am going to feel fulfilled and feel that the possibility of a husband exists!!!!

I mean, what is it with men? Can't they make up their minds about some things, at least? Like their sexuality???? I know I expect more from others because I am brilliant, but damnit brilliance expects brilliance!!!! I left Linda Johnson and that whole Goat Alley thing far behind!
I turn my nose up and my thumb down on it!!! Imagine Chris Oswald (RIP) calling me a "goddmamn stuck-up snob!" You know something? She was right! And I am damn proud of it!
Trouble was I should have said it back then! But look what happened to her--trash like her gets up getting killed in a car accident like Ginny in "Splendor In The Grass." So I am here to tell you, girl, that if you feel you are superior, make no appologies for it! And if anyone tells you any different show them the writing on the wall. That's what happeend with Vincent; he questioned my brilliance a bit too much, and I put him in his place! Now he has nothing to benefit from!
Toujous too bad!!! I will give you a full report on Anna this weekend, girls! And lick some cream! Chocolate cream, I mean, pets!!!!!!!!!

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