Thursday, August 27, 2009

Girls, I Just Have To Bitch!!!!!!

I am feeling like a real bitch today, darlings, one reason being I did not get much sleep last night. This was my fault, because last night I overate and drank at Marinella's. Guess I should do what Julie Powell says and stick to your kitchen, where you know where what you are eating is coming from.

The other reason to bitch are stupid New Yorkers or out of towners who don't know how to walk. I mean, when you approach them, instead of getting out of your way, they expect you to move for them! Sweetie, I don't move for ANYONE!!!! I am too fabulous for that!!!!!

Here I am less than three months shy of my mid-Fifties and no partner or prospect of one. Forget sex; I mean, huh? what is that? I can't remember. So I am just fit to bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch!!!!!!!!!!

I think I need a good dose of Amy Adams. I need to attempt that chocolate cream pie!Or something that will make me feel accomplished and accepted!

Rest assured darlings I will not give up. I may be down, but I ain't through yet!!!!

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