Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Darlings, I Don't Know How I Keep Up With Myself!!!!!!!!!!

Sweeties, I am telling you, what with my screening last night of "In A Lonely Place," with Gloria Grahame sauntering sultrily across the screen in a stunning series of eye-catching fifties outfits, plus the pile of work I have in front me, which I cannot even finish, because of the desk schedule, and then having to visit my friend David in the hospital as he valiantly fights for his life...girls, it's not easy. It's not all Julie and Julia, much as I would love it to be. I am telling you I think I need something to relief stress and after my visit I may check out East of Eights to see if they have the beef bourgenon, or I may just go down to Marinella's and pay them a surprise visit! Hell, I deserve it because, I am SO fabulous, darlings.

Then there is my friend Doug, whom I adore, and have since when we were in kindergarten in Irving with that witch named Mrs. Compton who should have been burned at the stake, but who (Doug, I mean) has yet to experience the radiance of Amy Adams. It is just a matter of time, of course, for how can anyone resisit Amy. But to confuse the remarks Time Magazaine made about Julie Powell with Adams herself is not to be overlooked. And as far as what was said about Powell, save for her culinary skill, it is equally applicable to me. I want, after all, the contemporary payoff of fame, I feel it is owed, after what I had to go through in Highland Park and with some of my overbearing Neandrathal relatives, and while I did not consciously start this blog, loves, with the idea of leading to something, I am beginning to see now where it just might possibly. And of course I welcome comments on it all the time, even if those comments tell me to go fuck myself, because you know what, dolls? I will just tell you to go fuck yourselves right back. You can say whatever you want to me because this bitch has heard it all and is not about to be knocked down by the scum of middle class conformity!!!! So kiss me and love me or not because I am here to stay, and don't anyone forget it!

So tonight it is the hospital and a bite afterwards. I may do some cooking tonight! See you all later, darlings!!!!!!!!!!

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