Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Girls, Where In The World Am I Going To Get Some Beef Bourgenon????

Let me tell you, darlings, that in spite of that SOB Mr. Weisner I am going to dine on the above,if only I can find a place that will serve it. And of course with a fine red wine. Now there is the Paris Commune on Bleecker, and the East on Eight with their Julia Child menu, so we will see, but tonight, girls, I have to get down to the Film Forum to catch Gloria Grahame in one of her great roles in Nicholas Ray's "In A Lonely Place," which is being shown again by popular demand. So I may not have time to pop in for some beef bourgenon tonight. So help me, if old man Weisner comes near me and tries to insinuate his way into my graces I will cut him down dead; I will destroy him like the young Briony in "Atonement," and you know, darlings, what a bitch I can be when I set my mind to it. But I think after yesterday when I glared at him, he will
steer clear of me. But he is not going to prevent me from dining on beef bourgenon when I want to. Of course, by winter, I want to make my own, and I plan to, but we will have to see. Maybe I should just learn to open a bottle of wine and get drunk. Then before you know it I will be an alcoholic, which is just what I need, what with all the moral depravity in "East of Eden," the Great American Epic Novel. Darlings, I may be down but Mr. Weisner is not going to have me down for long. That sot is ready for the canner's and he looks like he will croak over any day. Hell, he has so little flesh on him, if he were to get cancer, it would take him within a week!!!!
See what a bitch I can be, girls??? Let's hope I can get to that film or some bourgenon in me to make me feel better. Then it will be back to fashions and hair tips, girls!!!!!!!!!!!

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