Monday, August 31, 2009

Girls, It Was Just Me In The Kitchen All Weekend!

Darlings, you would not believe the weekend I had. It started with me going to the market to get all kinds of ingredients, because, in one day, on Saturday, loves, I wanted to make the Chocolate Cream Pie made by Amy Adams in "Julie and Julia," and then I wanted to get into New York to see "The September Issue," the indie documentary on Anna Wintour, who in case you don't know, darlings is the high priestess of the fashion world that we all love, darlings! I am telling you, Anna Wintour is GOD!!!!!!!! Actually, she is probably tougher!

But me weekend, girls, turned into a scene right out of "Julie and Julia". I began in mid morning and did not finish till 5PM! The results were interesting but as I was juggling several different tasks, the phone kept ringing, because my friend, Danny, could not understand what I was doing and that I could not just drop everything to see a movie, the toilet was leaking, and my stove, while working, was not perfect. I had the super in and out while I was doing all this, and now he and others have to come back tomorrow, and I have to stay home. I mean, is this my life, or what?

Let me tell you, lambs, when I spooned the chocolate filling into the pie crust I felt just like Amy Adams. I also set it in the fridge to congeal and, darlings, let me tell you, it did! Who would think I could make a pie? Plus the filling was so scrumptious I could make a batch and serve it over fruit with my book group! I could be the social success of the Fall Season!

Let us just hope I survive my day of confinement and that things get done! Because I have other things to attend to this week, and my next project has got to be the summer squash casserole, while the summer squash is still in season.

So, it's back to cooking and love, girls. I can onl pray the former get me the latter!
Love to all, sugar darlings!!!!!!!!!!

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