Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Girls, Only In The Movies Are Home Repairmen Hunky!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I am telling you, you just won't believe the day I had yesterday. I needed to have my stove and toilet looked at, and after twenty plus years of watching the likes of Eric Evans, Shane Cole and Hank Hightower enact repairmen, I naturally thought those that came to work on my apparati would be like them. Are you kidding? Sweethearts, they were more like Mr. Breakstone on the Cottage Cheese commericals, where the only one interested in him is the Little Nipper dog, nipping at his leg! Now, I suppose there are plenty of chubby chasers who might take after Mr. Breakstone, but, dolls, I am not one of those! So I spent a rather pleasurable day confined in my apartment, eating my cooking and plowing through "Middlemarch" and what has been touted as its latter day equivalent, "Lake Overturn" by Vestal McIntyre. Not to be confused with a vesta virgin, darling, although, heavens knows I am often mistaken for one! Such compelling books and two great writers--it is rare I am on the same track at the same time but I am.

Today, loves, it is back to the cubicle in my girdle and panties where I slave away, hoping for fame and the chance to get to speak to Donna McKechnie on Saturday. I am damn well going to do my barre exercises that morning! And soon it will be time for Janice to do "Moonglow" and for all of us to sing "On A Picnic Morning, Without A Warning!" Girls, I am just bursting, if only I had someone to burst for. But the prospect of men is abysmal. Maybe I should go for something young and tender! Like prime fillet! Oh, my, darlings, aren't I just too much????
Sweethearts, when you are as fabulous as I am there is just so much you require! Hope in the future, darlings, all your home repairmen are hunky!!!!!!!!!!!

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