Thursday, September 3, 2009

Girls, Can You Believe It Is September????

Darlings, when we get into what I call the "ber" months, you can kiss the year goodbye, as things move steadily towards the end. To think that it came around so quickly, when I still have such vivid memories of last January!!!! Well, here we are, with the fall season on the horizon, Fashion Week looming, and Labor Day literally around the corner. Now that I have done my chocolate cream pie, it is back to more dining cuisine, perhaps Audrey's squash casserole. But first I have to finish my Italian dish. And make another for next week. Girls, I am telling you, once you get into the kitchen it just does not stop. So I will be cooking more this weekend, trying to see "The September Issue," maybe see 'Dr Jekyll' at Coney with Tom and a movie on Sunday with Rob. And tonight, darlings, I am back in my stint at the Center Library. Girls, I am just going to stay on this track, and I will blog and blog until I get the same, albeit different results as Julie Powell. And wait till I rip open about some other people, the way I did about Dorothy Swerdlove. When the mood strikes me, girls, when the mood strikes me!

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