Friday, September 4, 2009

Girls, A Picnic Spot Is Our Rendezvous!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, you would NOT believe the last 24 hours I have had--from a doctor's visit where I hear a word I never expected to hear--melanoma--to having to patch things up with my little hamentaschen, to facing facts about a certain closeted lawyer....I mean, darlings, could you handle my life? I don't think so, because sometimes even I can't.

But it IS Friday before Labor Day and we are all waiting for Janice to do "Moonglow" from "Picnic," just like Kim Novak does in the movie. It is one of my workplace's most glamorous and exciting events.

And my phone just rang, which means my message indicator should light up, with either a call from Harvey, Judy or the doctor. I am telling you, girls, the choices I have--between dinner in the city tonight, fireworks at Coney Island, or just prowling the bookstores in search of new literary discoveries. Like the new E.L. Doctorow, about the Collyer brothers, two of the most fascinating men in history. And then there is the possibility of getting my hair done because I might face --oh my God!--Donna McKechnie tomorrow, so you can bet I better limber up at teh barre. My face, my nails!!!!!!!!!!!!

And some of you think this is fiction. Darlings, when this blog was created, I promised to put fiction on here, and I still have not fulfilled my promise. As soon as I finish the short story I am currently working on, I will post it on here, and, sweeties, you better head for the hills. A psychological study of a deeply troubled woman...with some twists and turns along the way!
But speaking of twists and turns, I have to run now, girls, so have a "Picnic" Labor Day weekend, as we wend ourselves indoors to wind down the year!

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