Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Girls, Our Goal This Week.....................

.............is to go into our kitchen and cook up a storm like Meryl Streep while looking as fresh and radiant as Amy Adams. Darling, with my superb skin and hair coloring, I am ready to go all Amy right now. I have this FABULOUS recipie for Red Velvet cake, darling, and that will be my first culinary creation. Who knows what kind of mess my kitchen will turn into; maybe it will land on Oprah. Or maybe the two predatory Asian women who crawled into my apartment in my dream last night to try and take over my apartment and my life will crawl out of my oven and try to engulf me with their passive agressive sexuality, which I will spew by spitting cake batter in their faces? Girls, help me, how can I be like Amy when I am such a bitch? Would Amy Adams get all wrought up like this? You bet she wouldn't. She would just sail graciously into the kitchen, pirouetting and arabesqing from counter to sink to oven with ingreadients and equipment while creating an exqusitite concoction. Darlings, I wish I were as exqusisite a concoction as Amy. Then maybe I could get a husband and house and do something so that this blog would pay off with a movie deal!!!! Darlings, we all want our own movie deals? I sure would love Amy Adams to play me!!! And Meryl to direct!!!!!!!

Get those kitchen utensils, ready, now, girls! Just three more days to go!

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