Monday, August 3, 2009

Girls, What I Have To Go Through!!!!!

Darlings, I KNOW I am SO FABULOUS and I know all you out there, think it is easy being this way, but it is not. Let me give you some insights into my life--

At 5AM my alarm goes off. That's right, girls, five AM!!! Depending on what kind of night I have had, I either turn off the alarm or toss until six. But then it is out of bed because I have a FULL beauty regimen to do. It starts with my thyroid pill, and the making of coffee, continues to fixing my face, bathing, mositurizing, doing my hair, brushing my teeth, breakfasting with that delicious coffee, my legs curled seductively onl the divan like Carol Lawrence for General Foods International Coffees. Then I have to select my designer wardrobe and get into it--WITHOUT ANYONE TO HELP ME, GIRLS!!!!! I mean, not even a maid. Or a husand!

Before dressing I do my exercises--a brisk walk, stretching and yoga. Once I dress I start out the door. And darlings, by this time it is only seven thirty! Do you hear me? Seven thirty!!!
Not even eight o clock. BUT my hair and make up are perfect.

I know so many of you out there want to be ME because you think it is fabulous. Well, darlings, it does not come without a price and the price is a hard work regimen while the rest of you can sleep past seven thirty, take a shower in the middle of the thrid period, and not have to contend with irate patrons yelling 'Fuck you' at you simply because you don't happen to have what they want?

Still want to be fabuluous, girls?

Check back with me!!!!!!

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