Friday, August 14, 2009

Girls, We Are Perfect For A Party Or A Snack!!!!

Let's face it, darlings, somedays you just feel like Laughing Cow cheese!

Are you aware that this weekend is the 40th anniversary of Woodstock? And the 40th anniversary of my traispsing out to the Jersey Turnpike on foot--that's right, lambs, a precocious lamb myself at 14 determined to be part of the scene with all those great acts! Instead, friends of my parents returning from somewhere in Jersey saw me, dragged me home, and that was it for going to Wooodstock. I listened to the whole thing from my room over that weekend. Then, because I was SO young and precious, I had to get my father to let me into the movie, which really freaked him out, especially with Joe Cocker's "Gimme an F.....!" which had him sinking into his seat in humiliation, as I joyously shouted "Right on!" waving my politically active fist!!!! And then came the famous three disc set album which I blared "Volunteers" from my bedroom window one Sunday morning, to give my entire suburban neighborhood the benefit of the Woodstock expereince! Did the phone really ring then!!!!!!

But this was how it was down Memory Lane, girls, as the summer of '69 was probably the most exciting my generation had! And who thought, 40 years later, I would be around to record it to all my darlings here on this blog! So wish me luck with the casserole, darlings, and don't worry in just a few more hours we can all slip out of our girdles for the weekend! Mine is killing me!

Have a fun one, girls!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much! You are the first one to commnent on my blog. I am so thrilled. I promise when I have access to sound, I will look at your film on YouTube. It sounds interesting.

    I know I am rather outrageous on here, but, as the sage once said, there is a method to my madness.
    Have a great day. I will report back as soon as I see your film
