Monday, August 17, 2009

Girls, It's Monday, So Back Into Our Girdles And Panties!!!!

............And in this weather! Girls, how can we stand it? By the time I got onto the subway this morning my panties were wet!

This weekend was a whirlwind, darling! I caught a second viewing of "Julie and Julia," which wa just as enchanting and magical as ever! I made a fabulous salad with cilantro and red wine dressing, I finished my home made leftovers, made another smoothie, and bought some more produce for some cooking I plan to do tonight.

Sunday I had lunch with my friend Harvey, and then sang in the choir at Dignity, and wasn't I just FABULOUS, girls!

I want to say a word about my friend, Harvey. He is so brave. Having lost his job unfairly, he is taking solid legal action, and girls, I not only hope he wins and gets a big fat settlement out of it, but nails the two witches who did this to him to the wall, have Oprah call him, and get a Lifetime Movie deal out of the whole thing! Trouble is, the ONLY one who can play Harvey is Harvey!!!

However, Harvey's experience reminds me how inadequate female administrators are. Not that male ones can't be. But nine times out of ten, if there is a problem on the job, it is because the adminsitrator is a woman. Listen to this girls.

Back in my early days, the department I was in was presided over by a short, spinsterish woman named Dorothy Swerdlove. Yeah, she was shor of love, all right. A would-be Jessica Tandy, lacking the talent to match, she would star-fuck and name drop her way at receptions and parties and of course the celebs had no clue as to who she was. She had a voice that dripped honey, but for many reasons, not to mention that I was young and intellectually brilliant, she took a dislike to me. Two cases in point:

On Friday, April 1, nearing the end of the day, I set some files and materails out on the desk, to be done first thing Monday morning. I had been doing other things, and had had not time to fie this. Well, on Monday there was this note attached to the files saying "Please see me.
Also, how come you did not correct it, the first time I told you about it?" What the fuck? So I found Miss Swerdlove, and when I tried to explanin that I simply left it for first thing in the morning, she berated me about daydreaming and how I must stop it, etc. Totally inappropriate and uncalled for. Also devastating in that this came two days after only the 4th anniversary of my mother's death, which I was still hurting from. I hated the bitch from that day forward, and resolved not to have much to do with her. I was polite, but never overly friendly. And she continued this dilike subtly. My job at the time involved NOT working with the public, which was something I loved to (and now) do. Three times during her tenure opportunities for positions that could put me in such came up--each time I applied, each time I was rejected. But I got back at her. In 1985, one of my former colleagues downstaris decided to pursue her MLS, which left her old job line open. I was asked by the Supervisor there if I wanted to come back downstairs, and it took me only half a second to say yes. Well, I went through all the formalities, got the job, and boy was Dorothy Swerdlove pissed. For one thing, she delayed my starting date! For another, right before the starting date, October 15, I had been out a few days. Because of this I decided to come in and work on the 13th to clean off my desk for the next person. I had been to see a play the night before, and one of my coworkers, Ed Sager, (RIP) was asking me about it. Dorothy came into the room, walked over to me, and with that cheery voice said--her exact words--"Michael, excuse me for interrupting. I know this is your last day, and I don't mean this to be as nasty as it sounds, but we ARE going to get some work out of you today, aren't we?" Then she walked away. Even Ed was appalled. Fucking bitch.

So I am with Harvey all the way in pursuit of a lawsuit. I still wish I could do something to Dorothy Swerdlove, but you know what? Time will do to her what I could not. Get Alzheimer's and die, bitch!

See what wearing these goddamn girdles and panties do to me, girls? I promise to lighten up. Back to cooking like Amy Adams!


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