Monday, August 17, 2009

Girls, I Forgot To Mention.........

............that on Friday evening I had the most FABULOUS meal at Seppi's, over on West 56th Street, betweeen Sixth and Seventh Avenues. This is a charming French bistro and restaurant, which I discover I had been to. In a situation that could have been frought with trouble, it turns out that several years ago my deranged ex, Chris, and I had Sunday brunch there, a fact confirmed for me by the bistro being located almost directly across from his building, and that the brunch consisted of everything chocolate, which I distinctly remember. Being back in this area made me queasy, as I was afraid Chris would turn up, though, really that is very unlikely as he is most probably still working at Riker's or, judging from how he behaved when we broke up, imprisoned there. But the meal was fabulous with white Caubarent Sauvignon, bowtie pasta in a brown cream sauce, with duck confit, and vanilla ice cream for desert, with coffee. The only way this meal could have been improved would be if Amy Adams had appeared to pour the wine, or had cooked the meal. Be that as it may, it was just so scrumptious, girls!!!!!!!!!!

And then I get in here, girdle and panties, and everything, where I discover I am not only on the opening desk at 12, but a 4PM desk which I missed inadvertently, which would have given me a total of 5 desks!!!!!!! Sweetie, I do NOT do five desks! And if you think I am going to start then I will give it to other people the way I gave it to Dorothy Swerdlove on my last post. And just wait till you see how I give it to Donald Fowle later this week!

Today I disovered that people are reading my blog. I actually had one comment on it, a constructive one, informing me of something I should look at on YouTube, which I will. I wish more people would challenge me; you think it bothers me being called a nut or a psycho????
Hell, honey I know who I am superior to, and have known it since I was five years old. That almost makes it 50 years. So stay tuned, girls, because over the next several weeks, things could REALLY rip on here!

Can't wait to get home and cook, free from my girdle and panties!!!!!!!!!!

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