Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sometimes All It Takes Is A Phone Call Or Email!!!!

......to go from ennui and bitchery to euphoria! Darlings, last night after working a harrowing day at the office I got home too late to cook Julie Powell/Amy Adams anything from my kitchen, hot and famished. I took a cold shower and got into--more onto--bed, girls. Before dozing off, I checked my answering machine, and lo and behold I have a theater ticket tonight to the most senastional gay play in town, darlings, "The Temperamentals." Sweeties, you know I am--temperamental, that is. I will give you a full report on how it was and who wore what, and you better believe I am dressed in my Ralph Lauren, lambs.l No one has to tell me how to dress for the theater!

Then lo and behold at work I get an email for a scrumptious dinner on Friday. Which means I can't make Naomi's show, but darlings you just never know--the way I bound about I may end up at both.

I know I MUST end up at the NYFF screening of "The Wizard Of Oz" on September 26, to comememorate the 70th anniversary of my all-time favorite film. Have not seen it onscreen in a couple of years so it is welcome. And very appropos.

So, darlings, in betweent the bitching, you just never know. Tomorrow is certainly my cooking night, as I am occupied both tonight and Thursday, which is the Chelsea screening of "Hush...Hush, Sweet Charolotte," a hoot and a half, with Brini Maxell, whom I can outdo, darlings! I am telling you, girls, we just don't know when to stop!!!!!!!!

See you later, darlings!!!!!

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