Saturday, August 8, 2009

Is It Actually Possible To Meet A Life Partner At "Julie and Julia?"

Sweethearts, by now that question must be asked. With the film over 24 hours in release, piling up viewers and box office receipts alike, I have to wonder about all the people going to see this, especially those men who are gay, and don't tell there are not more than just a litttle of you out there, even you Chelsea gym freaks, that are going to see this film!!!!

In a way, there are two questions here. The first can be answered with a resounding "Yes," because the percentage of gay men at this movie will be considerably more than even that at, say, "G.I. Joe!" Remember something about gay men--we may like gorgegous masculine bodies, but we also have incredible aesthetic taste. And this is where 'Julie' wins hands down over 'Joe!'.

More to the point, the question to ask is--how does one meet a partner at "Julie and Julia?"
Forget the obvious--do not TROLL outside or especially inside the theater Men's Room, unless you want to be targeted as a pedophile . There may be no children at "J and J," but be sure there are still plenty next door at 'Harry Potter,' and theater custodians are well aware of these salient points.

The best way to meet at this film--and I plan this on my next viewing--is to stand unobtrusively near a bench and make like you are organizing yourself for the return to the outside world, and make an conspicuopus rermark about the film, book, AMY or MERYL, which will hopefully bring someone over that you can engage in conversation with, and go for coffee.
Maybe there will even be sexual atttraction, although let's not hope for two much right away, girls. But with this film certain to be around for a long time, opportunities abound, so don't say I did not tell you to take advantage of them.

See you at the movies, girls!!!!!!!!!!!

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